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By joannasaurusrex

My monday nights...

(I will explain the picture in a minute)
Today I had school again...joy of joyness :| I had Spanish first, which is just so much effort :/ then english, and we have our controlled assessment on thursday and i am noooooooooooooooooooooooooooot ready :( and then maths, WHICH I UNDERSTOOD TODAY. I AM SO PROUD.
Then pe, which was soo ridiculously boring it made me sad :( and an RE test, which was...great.
Can I just explain that I did not want to do RE GCSE, but I had to because I go to a church school :(
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand then I had to go to dynamo (which is my youth theatre, and has to do with my picture). In the beginning of January, we performed Les Miserables (I was in the chorus - so proud), and now we're on to The Sheild. All the 2nd year sixth formers get a group of people in the company, randomly picked, then have to devise an 8 minute piece on a theme. This year we got given versions of famous Shakespear plays, and had to do modernised versions of it, but changed a little bit. My group is an all girl group, and we got 'The Taming of the Shrew'. Yes, a love story. Instead, we changed the girls to dogs, and did the storyline a bit like that. AND THAT is what my picture is about. Sorry its really bad quality, I should really start taking photos with my phone.
Also, I'm sorry today is really boring (nothing that interesting has happened today, maybe I can find something cool tomorrow), yesterday's didnt upload :( But anyway, I am sooooo tired so I will leave you now, bye (:

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