Time to Reply

By joannasaurusrex


I really don't like English. English is such a boring lesson. I am bad at English. But I am forced to take it for another 14 weeks. Arrrrrrrgggh.
I'm complaining about English because I need to read Jane Eyre (explaining the photo) and I don't want tooooooooooooooooo. I know I said I love reading, but whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? It's just all about Mr Rochester blah blah blah. And there's no other storyline going on, just about her and men. and why isn't she put into an arena with 23 other tributes and forced to fight to the death

Anywho, sorry for not uploading yesterday. I was really busy and couldn't find a photo and it was stressful :( But I will try to be better
So, this is what my day was like
-I woke up. That was bad enough (today i was angry)
-It was coooooooold. something like -2. MINUS TWO.
-In graphics we had to use the computers. but i needed to do more to my prototype
-ENGLISH. BAD (but I know what I'm doing for tomorrow, so its okay)
-Drama. Everyone ate my food :(
-Lunch. It was cold so we 'explored' the school
-History. Lesson in silence. And on social history...I got bored :(
- I helped one of my friends in science (who might be reading this if he decides to stalk my life), and that was okay, but we just ended up talking and shit

Okay I will stop complaining. BUT I AM SO TIRED
Here is my to do list (I write these a lot)
-Read Jane Eyre
-Go over Merchant of Venice
-Write notes!
-Pack bag etc

I think thats it. OH DOES ANYONE WATCH GOSSIP GIRL!?!?!?!
Its. So. Good.
Okay I can't think of anything else to say sooooooo bye (:

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