Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Only a chicken?!?!

My White chicken died.

I am so sad. I went out yesterday to check on them, collect the eggs etc and she did not come out of the house to me.

I opened up the house and realised she had a prolapse. I did think she might be egg bound a week ago but I wormed her and she was eating and drinking.

I last checked them on Saturday night as I popped down to give them scraps, top up their food etc. She was eating some of the scraps so nothing untoward. They are in a self contained run so I don't have to let them out in the morning. We had such a manic day Sunday I checked on them out on the window but did not go down. I knew they had food, water etc.

We were out later than expected so by the time we got back Sunday it was dark and they were in bed.

I went down yesterday and found her in a terrible state. It must have happened yesterday. how typical is that?

I got a box to bring her into the house, told her i was going to have to take the roof off and she shuffled over to me which broke my heart but meant I could reach her. She looked terrified but the minute she was in the box she just went to sleep. I left her to sleep, she had food and water but I decided not to mess too much. I would have had to bath her and get it all clean and she clearly needed to rest. I got up this morning and she had gone.

I am really upset. Its a common problem as they lay so many eggs that things get weak. If you can get it to go back it often happens again. I have been down and told the other chickens. My friend is training to be a vet and he said that it's not often a good outcome. I also spoke to a vets who said the same.

I am having her cremated.


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