Christie's journal

By ChristieAnneD

St Jude

I started off my day with a bowl of chocolate flakes and ICarly! (my brothers choice.) My earliest lecture is on a Tuesday so I left the house at 8.15 in order to fight the traffic! I was quite early though so I waited in my car for a friend, and it started to snow! I've got to say, I love looking at snow but its not as exciting as it used to be. When I was at school, me and my sisters would sit around the table at breakfast listening to the radio hoping that they'd announce Parklands/NSG was closed! Then we'd ring our friends, get out ski jackets out and go to Abington Park for snowball fights, haha Good times!

After a hard 2 hours of trying to stay awake through my lecture and seminar, I decided the best way of waking myself up properly was to go shopping. ..I think I may have found the leather jacket I have been searching for. I am also a proud owner of a Miss Selfridge top, a H&M denim top and jumper, some grips and a 99p lint roller.

This morning I hunted out my light beige St Jude bracelet and decided to wear it, hence the picture. Haven't in a little while so why not! Everyone seems to have one of these bad boys now..the Twilight films made them fashionable to be honest! ;)

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