Amy's Art

By amysart


Well today i went to the 'British International Motorshow' at London's ExCel Areana, i had a absolutly awesome time even though i did go on my own haha! I took over 1000 photo's...

But honestly now, if you haven't been i advise you to go... just to see how the manufacturers have taken care, put an substandual amount of brain power, to come up with the cars of the future!! Obviously they have the present cars which are awesome also, and can't forget about the old cars aswell!!

Anyway.. after going through all the photo's i couldn't decide what i wanted to post because there was so many to choose from... So i decided to go with the Mazda...

But it is a fantastic day out!!!!!

Heres a link to the rest of the photo's more photo's of the British International Motorshow

Long long day... gonna get some sleep while i can off back upto Manchester tomorrow :(

Hope ya enjoy!!

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