Amy's Art

By amysart

In Fusion


This weekend Luke surprised with a lil weekend break in Blackpool.. due to me being in and out of hospital constantly the last few weeks and now its began to turn me into a green monster where i just constantly snap and is fed up all the time, and because im unable to drive it annoys me more...BUT... anyway...

We went to the Pleasure Beach had sooooo much fun really did cheer me up (haven't been there since i was 13!) so it was nice to see all the cool rides and stuff! Luke spent a fortune trying to win me a teddy bless which was really sweet of him.

After we'd been on all the rides, Luke decided he wanted to go in this Terror Towers thingy right next door to the Pleasure Beach.. I on the other hand was like not a chance am i going in there!!!.. But after some persuation we went in BUT i will NEVER EVER EVERRRRR go in there again, i went in all happy cheerful and a nice skin colour and i came out the other end shaking with fear and as white as a ghost!!!

Then Saturday night we went to a few bars, then we went to 1 of the big clubs called Syndicate now that was amazing!! Didn't stay out too long though my body was starting to shut down on me (which is never does when im partying!!)

So im sorry for the lack of comments, blips the last few weeks but hopefully i will try and get some done!!!!

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