Gallery Trip

Enough is enough. A fresh new approach today - I have decided to try some dietary elimination. It was my headache yesterday that got me thinking about it. So wheat and diary are, hopefully only temporarily, out the window.

That did mean that during my visit to the newly re-furbished Scottish National Portrait Gallery I had to decline my usual scone or cake. With my soup at lunch I had to decline my crusty roll and my attempt at porridge without milk was not worth mentioning. However, if it sorts things out it will be well worth it.

I visited the photography at the gallery and was incredibly disappointed. Perhaps having recently been to NYC I was asking a bit too much of my national gallery? The temporary 'Hot Scots' exhibits were great but there were only a dozen of them and they are right beside the buggy park so I was fighting with a swarm of bored children and gossiping parents whilst admiring the work. I have nothing against parents and their small children, but I do wonder who thought it wise to put a buggy park near exhibits? I'm not looking for silence, just not to stand on children sliding along on their tummies on such an inviting shiny floor. I suppose I could have joined them.

The Gallery building is stunning. Full of lovely circular stairwells and little pockets of light. The central entrance hall is awash with colour from the stained glass windows, tiled floors and floor to ceiling tapestries.

A brisk walk home - well 3/4ers of the way as I was tiring. I walked past this street, Victoria Street, which I always think is so colourful and which holds so many memories of my colourful youth spent here.

I know I will be duelling with the matchsticks to keep my eyes open for the rest of the evening. Still, progress is being made of some sort.

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