
...of flight

by what i believe is some kind of dove...

a couple of them were lurking around the park yesterday - when i got caught up watching the crows - i did snap off a few shots of them but they came out blurry so i couldn't really tell... today there was only this one - and it was high on a utility wire... i found myself stalking it from afar trying to be quiet and unobserved. you really cannot be unobserved by a bird - when you are out in the open... with it up on a wire - free to see all... i could tell it was getting antsy the closer i got and would stop - attempting to make myself small... another impossible feat... sigh...

then suddenly... i, with camera poised and ready - it lifted off from the wire... into the air - graceful and free... you never know how shots like this are going to turn out... usually in a blur of motion - with wings outstretched - not able to distinguish that it really is a bird at all. however, god was with me today - and this beautiful dove - although not in total crisp focus... is shown in wonderful, joyous free flight - in a barely blue sky with the sun reflecting on its wings. my heart pounding as it flew overhead - i watched it go into the distance - realizing, again how grateful i am - to be able to wander freely myself - enjoying such sights of nature practically in my backyard when others cannot. it made for...


happy day.....

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