Jake's Journal

By jakethreadgould

The Deep Freeze

An entirely unedited picture of Tallinn today.

We were meant to be going to Helsinki this morning but discovered the night before that the price advertised for the ferry was for some obscure timings and for normal people it would cost over 100 euros... Nah ta.

Apparently we're in some sort of deep freeze at the moment then out here in the East? Today it was about -12C during the day, and when we head out for dinner in a minute it could be about -20c. That is the coldest weather I've ever experienced. And it's tolerable for no more than an hour at a time (for us softy Brits).

I'll back blip later on with more stories but the computer I'm on looks like it was built in some Soviet factory 30 years ago. And waiting for another image to upload would push me towards jumping out the window naked. I wouldn't actually be surprised if it was powered by a coal burner downstairs. I keep wanting to push back the slider at the end of every sentence the keys are that heavy...

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