In the pink!

Had to get up at stupid o'clock ( to take youngest to Glasgow airport as she was flying down to visit her cousin/pal as they both share the same birthday this week. It was freezing, pitch black and just as I was scrapping my windscreen, a car pulled up an beeped at me and was waving like mad. I thought who is this numptiy at this Gods awful hour? well it was my pal on her way home from work. Honestly if you were going to rob a bank, sure as heck some eejit you knew would come and wave at you!
Got to the airport and dropped said daugher and went to wind my way back.

However things are not always that simple! for one the slipway onto the M8 was shut!! grrrr so I eneded up going round the bloody airport in a big square then found myself in Renfrew of all places. Now I don't want to be in Renfrew during the day let alone 5.30am! kept on driving and found a slip way onto the flaming M8 only I was going the WRONG way!! and found myself getting dejavu as I was once more heading to the airport (a bit like the why Paddy's not at work today song) then I found myself in Paisley!! put the foot down and finally got onto the M*#**8 going the right way! and all that before 6am! I know I am not good in mornings but this was ridiculous!.
Off to my really serious camera club in a bit.
Happy blipping

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