This day

By snapper

Gourmet Scotland!

Was in Oban for a meeting today when who should also be there but #1 son who walked in the door last night at almost 2am and scared the living daylights out of me (he normally resides in Glasgow) Anhows he has a day or two off so decided to come home.
I asked him and his pal if they wanted some food and his pal who lives away from home and is always hungry readliy agreed. Off we went to a place called McT's where we ordered 1 steak pie & chips, 1 steak pie & mashed tatties & one cheese & onion toastie plus 3 cokes (2 large & 1 small)
This came to the grand total of almost £25!!! I was gobsmacked so too were the lads!
The meat in the so called steak pie was something akin to what comes out of the tins of dog food I give the pooches! The inapropriatly named cheese & onion toastie was a scabby wee bit of chuch cheese & a microscopic bit of onion with some very sad indeed tragic looking lettuce and cucumber of such dried proportions that my Guinea pigs would have spat it out! I noticed too from the bill later that she had charged me for 3 large cokes instead of 2!

Is it any wonder that the place only had one other customer? I know that Piaza & Iasg are good eateries but they are expensive for just a wee snack , indeed they dont do snacks as such. There is a wee fish trailer on the pier that sells good sandwiches but you have to fight off the greedy seagulls and the smelly CalMac ferries! there is a pancake place too but the service leaves much to be desired but it is better than McTs thats for sure ! After the meal I left them to make their own way home in their own car.
#1 son is just back and has asked me if I wanted a Mojito, I said "are you cooking it here?" dumbstruck look from him and his pal! I had mixed up my Mojitos with my Fajitas! a simple mistake no doubt!
Anyhow I had better stop as the Mojitos may imapair my impeccable spelling!
Gues which one is #1 son? a Mojito for the winner not!

Have a cocktail on me blippers

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