
By Kathee


THE PLACE: Preserve Golf Course

THE HOLE: #7 - 3rd most difficult

THE EAT-MY-LUNCH-FACTOR: 2nd shot requires a carry across the desert

THE STROKE: Slipped the Elmo head cover off my 5-wood. One practice stroke. Then the swing: easy, smooth, gentle, with my head down.

THE MOMENT:Wait for it, Wait for it. On the green in 2. Wowee. Not only on the green but long. Never before.

THE PHOTO: I clicked this to show Nmbr - 1 - The ball is in line with the green tree on the hill (might be difficult to see). I waved so that I didn't look like a blob. Careful now, don't you dare say what you're thinking.

THE PAR: 2 putts to sink that sucker.

THE AFTERMATH: Searching for a paper bag to gain control of my breathing.

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