Gillipaw's Journal

By Gillipaw

Fast Highlights

Well, what a day. A chance to try out studio lighting again. Only a few minutes, but I came up with this. Used a borrowed trigger, and a snoot, so I know a bit more about that now. It was all too quick, and I would have positioned the ball better if I'd had time.

Home to a speedy log on, to find that the "Scotland The World Over" film is available to preview here on the site. The images do move very quickly, but I think I have seen four of mine. Fair chuffed to have had any chosen to be honest.

A belated haggis, neeps and tatties this evening, quick peeling of turnip is hard work. The first time we were all due to eat together in nearly two weeks. I was then off out to a cheese and wine, which included some from New Zealand (thought of several Blippers). Rather pleasant to sit in the one place for two hours sampling and tasting after such a hectic day.

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