Paddington Bear Is My Dad

By vaughan

People in my life No.1

I wanted to set myself the challenge of taking people's portraits this week but it didn't really happen so I've decided just to take photos of people who are important in my life for a week and then hopefully add to it over time.

Unfortunately my first one isn't very good but it's a funny story. The picture shows my flatmate - Gianpy. We were supposed to do something tonight and, in the space of time it took me to make a cup of tea, he fell asleep in the lounge. So I took a picture of him, which made me feel slightly creepy in an Eddie-from-friends-kind-of-way.

Things I can tell you about Gianpy? He's cool, is the manager of a restaurant and wants to open his own place, is a photogenic so-and-so (which annoys me because I'm not at all) and is one of my closest friends. He comes from Ayr but his family hail from Italy - which earnt him the rather un-pc nickname of Weegie Wop.

There's much more I could tell you but I'm tired and my bed is calling - roll on Tuesday!

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