Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


I know, technically yesterday's shot was spice but it fell under the theme of pepper so I can get away with it. I've been planning this shot for a few days. It was going to be perfect. Knowing what I was going to do, I felt confident that it was fine to whittle away the evening bottling beer and wine. Got the jobs done and then went to the cupboard for the most photogenic spice there is, Star Anise.

I hadn't planned on being nearly entirely out of Star Anise. I hadn't imagined that the one whole star that had gone in to the jar in one piece might not come out again in one piece. With my single star broken beyond use, it was time to call on the second most photogenic spice, Cardamom.

I'm enjoying playing with my new toy, I even hunted out my macro rings. Following a conversation with a photographic friend I felt very conscious of the fact I don't shoot in RAW. A leper outcast to the fringes of photographical society, shunned for the JPEG path I'd chosen. So, today I turned on the shoot in RAW and JPEG setting. Great, slight wait between shots and the program I use to transfer the files to my computer didn't like them so I had to do it manually but other than that, I was feeling confident, if the editing didn't work, I always had the jpeg backup. It seems Photoshop isn't compatible with the form of raw that my camera shoots in (RW2). Oh well, at least I tried.

In other news:

For those concerned for the DHL delivery guy's safety. It was a different guy today and it seems there were a number of top floor parcels not delivered yesterday. I feel completely justified in my annoyance at them yesterday and my beautiful new picture book has been flicked through and then put on the picture book shelf to await my birthday when I can admire it properly.

Challenge #15

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