My changing life

By Shelley2011


Today an early start for swimming at aqua tots - melody enjoyed it but had a few accidental dunkings :0/ then whilst during melody she peed on the towel and then we got trapped in by the school bus. We came home for melody to have a feed and a nap and mummy thought shed do Melody some Mediterranean veggies (mainly for hot food to warm her up ) melody wasn't keen but mummy pushed the issue and melody vomited on mummy! Niiice - this afternoon we went to tiny tunes - lots of babies melodys age are getting mobile now but melody shows less and less interest in being on her front and now actively dislikes it! I know u shouldn't compare babies but it's hard not too - I'm not concerned at all as it's probably easier for me if melody isn't crawling! this pm mike had melody while I had a looong soak with wine and candles.. All very adult - until melody came in for a dip and weed on her second towel of the day!

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