My world in pictures!

By MichelleB

Refreshing (if only)!!!!

Today has been a truely awful day! I woke up to find I had lost my voice and then even though its my day off and I was feeling awful had some major work issues landed on me, so much so I really don't want to go to work on Monday!!!

So today really has not been a refershing day unless you count the -6 temperature this morning. End results of today being a manic day is what you see before you. I had this shot in mind as soon as I saw this on the list for February. Unfortunately its not a gin and tonic (on days like today I wonder why I decided to be tea total, lol!) but lemonade and lime, it also did not turn out as I wanted :(

I have let things get to me and my photography is suffering as a result so I apologise in advance to my subscribers and hope I will be back on form soon!

Michelle x

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