My world in pictures!

By MichelleB

February Challenge = stumped!!!

Day 4 of the February challenge and I was coming up blank. I thought I was going to get away with this one as I had planned on photographing the ice on the river but it rained over night and all morning so I couldnt!!

So username...given I chose a pretty dull username for this I wasn't left with much options so this what I came up with. Finlay is really keen to practice his writing at any given opportunity and given he is only just 5 I am amazed at how well formed his letters are and how he can now write any word for you as long as you spell it out for him.

So whilst playing with his magnet whiteboard for word practice I asked him to write out my username for me. I suppose in retrospect it is quite fitting that one of my children did this for me as they form a huge part of who I am and of what my blog is (a sort of diary of their lives).

I also today somehow have trapped a nerve in my shoulder so I was prevented from getting anything different after this and I had to edit it and type this one handed! How I will manage to shoot any photos tomorrow lord only knows!

So with this in mind I am off to bed for an early night :)

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