
I visited the Eastern Shore today to visit with my grandmother and bask in her wisdom. To clear my head - space, openness, a breath of fresh air.

To be honest I couldn't be more frustrated in my life right now. Feeling trapped like a bird in a cage. Or a tiger in a trap unable to climb out. I wonder when exactly it is when they give up?

My spirit has been feeling that way lately. There is a proverb that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I've tried hard to live out my dreams and carve a life out doing what I love but it has been hard. I look around at friends and peers who are well established in their careers, buying houses, getting married, starting families. I'm no where close to any of these things. Rather, I'm single, under-employed, have no home, few physical possessions or finances, and going no-where.

I can't complain with all of the real suffering in this world, but to work and hope so hard for so little leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. Too often that is what I am chewing on these days. For now sidewinding, and hoping for something better over the horizon.

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