This is as good as it gets

Yay for friday's lie in! This meant lots of lying but being awake from 7am!!! watching comdey with Rachel? Why can't we get up this early and be this alert on days when we have 9am classes?

Started the day with breakfast of champions, Bacon & Egg (toasted) Bagels! Fantastic, thanks for the eggs Mark!

After hanging out for a bit, dropped Rachel off at the station then headed home to do some work and more job applications before 5pm arrived. Final suit fitting hour! It went well, we giggled at how "silly" we looked. C'mon who when and where would you normally wear a white suite! But in context on the wedding day it will be pulled off! We Pray No it will - we will!

An early night with an Adam Sandler comedy. This is the only photo I took...hmm thats really outta character for me, simply too much excitement I guess?

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