A Camera's Perspective

By katejohnston

Hand to the Camera, Feb 5

Nice lie-in this morning, it was definitely needed, feeling a lot more refreshed! The morning started with a family chat about summer over coffee and cake, deciding what we want to do in the holidays and where we want to go. My parents were hinting at two weeks in Oregon with family straight after my visit to Canada with the rowing team. In all honesty, I don't know whether I could cope with three straight weeks of American/Canadian summer heat, or three weeks away from home. I've never been away for longer than one week, not even on a family holiday! If this plan goes through, then I'd be flying straight from Toronto to Portland and meeting my family there.. There's no way I'm sitting on my own on a flight that long - it's just not happening.

All this talk of holidays is just making me want to go away sooner rather than later! And it's also getting me extremely excited for the rowing trip and visiting Niagara Falls, the scenery & landscape, the training.. Ahhhh!

However, back to reality - I have the whole of 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' to read for tomorrow, which is one intense task as I am probably the world's slowest reader, and I can't understand anything that Ken Kesey is insinuating.

Taking my brother back up to university later on this evening, sad to see him go, not sure when he'll next be back down in Edinburgh. There positives to him going back though - I get a nice clean shower room that's always available, there's more food in the house, and nobody to wake me up at 3am when he comes home from work. Happy days!

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