It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Sunday snooze...

Here I am having a perfect Sunday afternoon snooze by the fire. I was most disappointed that I did not get to have my first play in snow today! It seems that nearly everyone has it but us, I am dying to get my sledge out and have a go with mum. Maybe next year?

I had a FANTASTIC surprise today as Uncle Shaun and Aunty Beth popped in on their way to London. I was sooooooo excited to see them. I kept giving them my headless fox to play tug with me and Aunty Beth was brilliant at dragging me along the floor with it *giggle*

I tried a few times to start a wrestle with Uncle Shaun. I start by grabbing people's cuffs and trying to climb on them. I love cuffs, especially when there is a watch involved. I can really get my teeth around a watch! Mum says it is not ladylike behaviour to be so boisterous. She says I should be a gentle girl and let people stroke me instead of trying to get them to wrestle........but honestly....that's no fun is it?!

Apparently I have a big day tomorrow. I am not sure about it myself and mum seems a bit nervous. It involves the vet and apparently I am not allowed to run around for at least a week after............

I will let you know tomorrow.....

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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