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By PoWWow

Back to work?

Oops I was actually working too hard yesterday to remember to take any pictures. Alas, the choice would have been between bogs + beds of another chalet or a swanky Burn's night party for my bosses that I tried on my hostest-mostest moves on , but thought I'd hang around for a few comp wines post shift + accidentally got into a heated discussion with a tory about the inexcusable cuts to the youth service; long story short I quickly realised it would have been a lot safer to trigger discussions about snow quality like I seem to do in these slightly awkward + out of depth scenarios I find myself in. I can't have insulted him that badly as he offered me a job, to which I efficiently, but politely declined. And today, again working- helping out in another joint- as for another week following this, we have no guesties to look after; another spell of splurging about lingers with welcoming wonderment. And as for the picture, I must admit not a great deal of intention lies behind it, a few moments before midnight the realisation hit home : b l a s t ! Not again . I wondered about getting Dan into a position , like attempting to stand up, in order to introduce our funny bedroom but I'll save that gem for another time. For now, this is Dan : shutting down the computer.

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