Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Meeting the alpacas

It's been a lovely bright sunny day today, but very cold. The snow for yesterday turned to ice but there was no fresh precipitation.

After lunch I went to visit the herd of alpacas at Fallowfield. There are more than 30 now and a lot of the females are pregnant. The gestation is 11.5 months and they will give birth in June to August.

Today each female was receiving a vitamin boost from a large syringe into the mouth. They were not keen on this, but looked quite cute afterwards because the mixture gave them pink lips!! Alpacas spit when they are angry and apparently the spit smells very bad. One managed to deposit a lovely smelly glob on her patient owner.

The reason for the photographs is because we have 2 alpaca walks in our Spring Walking Festival and I thought I'd put some new images on the website. One of the walks is already over half full. I knew they would be popular.

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