Giving this a go...

By Debiives


I love sledging. I love the way it makes everyone laugh and be so happy. It makes you forget everthing else that's going on (not that there was much else going on) and just have fun and act like a child.
I got a few fun photos but decided I love this one the best even though it's out of focus.

I also went for a brilliant run this morning. Ran home from church plus an extra bit. 8.2 miles which is my longest run ever. It was in soft slushy snow and I loved every minute of it. Had my snowtrax on for the first time and hardly noticed I was wearing them and I stayed upright so they did a good job.

Thanks for the 365 comments yesterday. I don't think I'll be on here quite as much now I've made that milestone but we'll see how it goes.

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