Giving this a go...

By Debiives

It had to be done

I couldn't not blip the moon tonight. It looked amazing. It was actually more amazing slightly earlier as it was quite orange but by the time I could take the photo it had brightened up a bit.

Moon photos amaze me. The detail is incredible. The splash lines from the impact at the craters are so cool. They must be miles and miles long.

I have blipped it before in November but this one is better. It's interesting to see the moon is at a slightly different angle to now (well I suppose it's us that's at a different angle)

I had to endure over an hour of year R, 1 and 2s 'creative extravaganza' this afternoon. It was very, very hard work. I bet you never knew you can play 2 different tunes on the recorder using only 2 notes?!

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