My colourful life!

By rainbowtaylor

Snow Day Fun!

We had 4 inches of snow fall overnight! Yippee! Lots of snow drifts in the front garden especially around the cars and the deepest was about 10 inches!

We were outside by about 9am and played in the front garden for a bit and then walked round the local park and I made a snowangel and a snowman which we brought home on the sledge!

Although we were having a great time - living in the flat fens means there are no oportunities for proper sledging EXCEPT for a little hill in Ferry Meadows about 8 miles away so after deliberating for all of a minute we took off in the car with the boys and sledges and went to see if roads were passable - which they were so off we went!

We had an amazing time there - boys and I absolutely had a whale of a time! Being a little hill meant that you shot down it and then didnt have so far to get back up to go again. Hubby took loads of video and did have a couple of goes himself! On my last run of the day I went down so fast that I kept going at the bottom straight into some bushes (if they hadnt been there I would have been in the frozen lake!) and boys thought it was hysterical as did I! The photos of my smiles laid out in the snow under the bushes says it all!

We then popped to Mum and Dad's to warm up, put our clothes in the tumble dryer and get drinks. We also got lunch too!

Then we went home and I cleared the paths of our house and our elderly neighbours and the pavement directly outside ours. We checked in on him after hubby had to fix his broken boiler last night and all is well.

Snow in the back garden is still untouched except for cat paw prints! Wonder how long the snow is going to stay with us.

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