Daily Dalliance

By Knitty


This is my cat, Cleo. She came to us through the kind offices of the Cat Protection League. As a kitten, she was slender and elegant, having the look of the 'foreign' type, so I named her after Cleopatra, the Queen of the Nile. Howsoever, years of loving her grub have told on her. Now she is the proverbial 'fat cat'.

I am reminded of a poem by Christopher Smart - set to music, I believe, by Benjamin Britten.
For I will consider my cat Jeoffry
For He is the servant of the living God duly and daily serving him .......
For he is of the tribe of the tiger
For the cherub cat is a term of the Angel Tiger .....
For he purrs in thankfulness, when God tells him he is a good cat ...

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