Happy birthday dad!

If I were to draw a graph of my activites and emotions today it would look like an erratic ECG!
Day began with a drive to Glasgow mind you I stopped in Arrocar to make some calls and got a lot of work done just in the car park there!,(actually it was only to Dumbarton I was going to) but as I had time to spare I went into Glasgow to the cemetary to visit my parents' grave as today would have been my dad's 82nd birthday. Spent some time there (hence the picture) then drove back to Dumbarton where I had a very fruitful meeting.
Back to Glasgow grabbed a quick cuppa then hooffed it back up the road to home, quick change then onto Oban to help out with the choir. Then finally back home 11pm!
As you can imagine my emotions were all over the place! Highs due to getting lots of work stuff arranged, lows because of the anniversay then back onto highs ending up listening to some good music with the choir and on the radio on the way back. Avery strange day indeed and one that covered over 200 miles as I had driven the A83 twice and part of the A82 4 times!
God I need a holiday!

Happy blipping all

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