
They say "necessity is the mother of invention!" After my epic drive yesterday I was glad to flop into bed so much so it reminded me of my grannies last words at night after her prayers whe would lie in bed and say "God bless the man who made the bed" To this day when I am tired I do the same and so too do my kids! funny how such a simple saying can pass through 3 generations.

That other famous invention - the telephone has tied me up in knots today and only managed to sneak out just the once and not get anything decent so cheated and chucked this one up I took yesterday, mia culpa! Amazing what you can achieve from just the other end of a phone line like book musicians, tickets, check ferry time tables, arrange an accordion collection, source out Disclosure checks, acquire guitars and I still havnt left my phone line! Is technology not just amazing?
It can also come back to bite you too. A few weeks ago I had the Lab chipped and had to register her. I then got a registration certificate, countless emails all telling me yes not only was my dug chipped but it also came with a month's free insurance which apparently is now up so now I get plauged with phone calls (from India) asking me now to cough up and take out further PAID insurance. Don't you just hate it when they do that?
I have already had our last lab captured and held to ransome (happened 5 years ago and was common in the West End of Glasgow at the time) we got the lab back and had to cough £30 ransom!
However this time having paid some few spondoolaks for this thieving mutt, decided to chip her and this is how I have landed with a plethora of calls from the Far East asking me to insure my mutt. I also got an email and letter telling me that for a further ten quid my chipped pet info would buy me even more services. (so what I ask was I getting in the first place?)Well Im sorry I even got it done now.
I also got some scam email from ebay about some girls site called 9922girlis (thats how it was spelled) so now technology doesnt seem so good after all!

I see a big dust bunny in my photo so will have to clean my sensor soon!

Happy and safe blipping all

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