A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

It's all about the view

After a day at the library (nothing new here) were, let's be honest, my brain just wasn't working, I wandered, trying to get my thoughts organized. I've been playing a game of "let's walk into a pet shop and pretend to buy a dog" for a while, though I know very well that dogs are not allowed at the Webster, and miss Lea, at home, would certainly not appreciate the competition were I to include another 4-legged friend to our "family".

On my way out, I saw these three. Looking inside, where the employes were cleaning the stalls, feeding the animals, etc. Sometimes, you have to stop looking for things outside, and just be interested by what is inside. In front of you. Just within reach.

But hey, I'm taking life lessons from puppies. So what do I know?

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