Jack James

By JackJames

Jazz night at Teviot

February seems to be the month of awful photos. I'll have to see about remedying that soon....

Had a shift (shock horror) at the student union tonight - 7 until close on the Lounge bar, where they had the weekly student run jazz night. I was the only one on the bar, and I haven't had a shift since about mid December so needless to day I was a little rusty. Busy from about half 8 to half 10, when everyone stopped buying drinks and I could get out to collect some glasses.

Thought the Tennant's tap was off all night until I tried it at the end... whoops! I guess their sales of Kronenburg were up..

The guy who ran the jazz night was a bit of a douche, managed to talk down to everyone and loved to blow his own trumpet (literally), which managed to get on my tits. On the plus side, as I was on my own I had to wear a radio ear peace which gives you more authority - I wouldn't be surprised if you get less hassle from people when you've got one.

All tidy by 12, back at the flat by 12:30 but stayed up looking at facebook and videos of the jazz guy from the fast show. Sums it up well.

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