It caught my eye

By Pixiemo

Huggable Snuggable Sydney

Meet Sydney she is my friend lisa's new addition to the family and a most lovely birthday present I have got to say.
I went over to have a cuddle with her today and she is just so cute , tiny and trots round the round like a toy ...
I was glad I went to see her as it took my mind off the trauma of the Woods earlier.
Whilst walking my own gorgeous Puppy Pebble with my friend Manon , we encountered a very unpleasant to say the least man and woman. Pebble had gone to greet their tiny pooch ,as dogs do,and the lady picked the dog up!!! So Pebble jumped up to say hello thinking as Puppies do this is part of the game.
The man then shouted to get down and before I could even get to her he kicked my puppy very hard in the side to get her to stop.
I tried to explain that she was just trying to say hello its what puppies do and that his behaviour was totally unacceptable but he followed his aggressive attack on my dog by a tirade of swear words directed at me.
I know it is not nice for dogs to jump up but the whole dog greeting thing of sniffing each other is difficult if the dog is in the owners arms and she was only being friendly no more
It was a horrid experience and I will be avoiding the woods at that time of the day again just incase I bump into a very aggressive man and tiny pooch !
My friend lisa will not be taking her puppy there for a while too just in case.
Excuse my rant but apparently today is emotional day and it was i guess for me !!

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