It caught my eye

By Pixiemo

Freckle Face

My favourite cat , I know you should not say that but its not my child so I figure they don't know or care .... Or do they ?
it is not the best shot but all the rest seemed out of focus so this was the best of a fuzzy bunch !!
Freckle quite simply is adorable she is ginger she is affectionate , she is smart , she sticks her 2 fingers up to the dog and she purrs very loudly to show you that she loves you.
She was not supposed to come home with us as we were only supposed to get 2 kittens but she stole my heart!!!
A small white lie to hubby secured that we could keep her, "as we could not leave her on her own and separate her from her siblings could we ?" ( even though we left another 4 behind).
Female gingers are rare so I had to have her like SJP has to have shoes !!!
He has grown to love her too i think it is the ginger thing , they need to stick together !!
Hope you agree that she is gorgeous too.

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