
Two of those statements are clearly and utterly not true.
One is very true.
Fortune cookies - the answer might well be in the cookie, but not the answer to the question I asked!

Had a busy day which had some very entertaining moments - particularly my 20 minute break duty where the outside playground and another external area were completely closed off due to big problems with ice (health and safety and all that)...i spent a pleasant twenty minutes chuckling to myself as a small group of students quickly realised there was not a cat in hell's chance of breaking the rules and having a crafty cigarette well away from prying eyes - loads of staff and a very confined area. Made my heart sing!

Yes, as you will recall from yesterday's blip, I am on the Dark Side.

Have executed some retail therapy via the t'interweb this evening - a couple of accessories for the telescope. No chance of going out tonight as it is completely cloudy and very very cold.

Also discovered this morning that the abandoned YMCA building at the back of our house had a big fire sometime in the past couple of weeks - huge section of the roof missing. I have a photo framed up in my head...hoping that the weather and the moon will provide me with the right conditions tomorrow.

Thats all. Update pain diary. soak in the bath, early to bed. Not so good this evening.


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