Countdown begins

Arrived this morning.

After I had finished clearing the devastation caused by james being sick first thing this morning.

Home all day. Working, out of guilt for not being at work. James is feeling better and fortunately has not repeated his scene from the exorcist.

Tomorrow I go in for my last day. I cannot tell you how much I have agonised over that fact today. I suspect I will struggle to sleep more than usual tonight.

I have been reassured. told off, been told in no uncertain terms not to get any stupid ideas about trying to work up to the date now I have it. I know that everyone is right and I also know that my GP is not going to allow me to wriggle my way back to work this time.

But, other factors are causing complications. Work related things. Things that I have no control over, but could do something about if I was there. I shouldn't be worrying about all of this, I know, but I am. It's someone else's job to worry about it. I find that difficult to cope with too. Control freak. That's me.

So, 21st March. Afternoon surgery. Am wondering if I will be home for the weekend or whether I will need to stay in. So much to sort out, including the timings for some pre op meds, procedures and drinks.

I have 6 weeks to get fit. I have half term to get my work sorted as i am not being signed off till just after half I CAN work until then. Then, I will try to walk, swim, sleep and try as hard as I can to get myself ready for this, mentally and physically.

You've all had snippets and bits and bobs.

This is the full story

(Yes, briefly I mis-read the first line as Impatient Admission and thought that they were writing to tell me off for making a fuss about getting a date through!)

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