Play Art Do

By CatnipKitty

Going, Going, Gone!

Behind this door is another door, a leaded glass door. When i saw that door along with a few stained glass windows i called the realtor and asked to see the house. Saw it on that same day.      
Up to that point I had only lived in apartments, small and very inexpensive.

So here i am at this house,  with my boy, Ian, walking through, numbers clicking away in my head?..can i do it? can i do it?  Click, click.  Look at that beautiful glass! I thought.

Within an hour after running home to get a check, one thousand dollars, put is down on the realtors desk, signed papers.

One walk through and i said i would buy it.
What a grown up decision based on glass!

Ah, but very lovely glass, I must say.

Well the door will soon be removed, it is almost 100 years old. A new, very secure door will take it's place.  The new door will have glass, but let's face it, it will be nothing like my door.  It surely would not move me to buy a house.

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