
OK, so I was down in London last week like I mentioned and went to see the David Shrigley exhibition at the Hayward Gallery with my friend and her two young boys. It appears that there have been repercussions from this visit already. Received an email from my friend in question this very morning containing the following (in her own words) -


Scene opens.

A school playground, at the start of a school day.

A mother and her two sons arrive. The mother is greeted by an authority figure, the head teacher, and asked for a private word.

Head teacher "I need to speak to you about your son"

Mother "Oh"

Head teacher "He had a supply teacher on Monday and the teacher wrote some comments in his book and this is what he wrote next to the comments" (shows mother the book)

Mother "Oooh"

Head teacher "Yes, he wrote BASTARD next to the teachers comments all the way through"

Mother "Ooooooh"

Head teacher "And he was also asked to do some alliteration" (shows mother another book)

Mother "Oooh"

Head teacher "Yes, he wrote FLIPPING FARTING FUCKING FROG"

Mother "Oooooh"

Mother "Well, we did go to see this exhibition on Saturday....."


Dave Shrig, you've got a lot to answer for.

Back in the world of music, been listening to some vintage Photek on my wanderings today. Bloody great stuff, stuff like this for example.

Note: Having one journal is ace. No need for themes, matches, comparisons, contrasts, one thing complementing the other, diptyhs or owt. I can quite happily be completely disparate and have a picture of some drainpipes, a story about an art exhibition and then bung in a bit of drum and bass in for good measure. All happy here :-)

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