michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Cold Seat

When I woke up this morning...it was 19 degess F. Cold compared to what it has been. A thin crust of ice had reformed on the pond.

The question would be...How many pictures can you take before your finger freezes onto the shutter? The answer?...about 15. Even now...sitting here typing...my hands are still cold.

I have to meet my doctor in the big city, so my day will be cameraless.

The goose was quietly resting...perhaps planning his day. Two of his siblings left the bank, and approached their brother. This can't be good. As the two got closer...the thin ice broke...and all 3 geese were now swimming. The resting goose gave the others a look, but did nothing to retaliate. My cold camera finger was ready for a little skirmish, but didn't even get a neck bite.

I got back in my van, and cranked up the heat.

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