michigan man

By outdoorguy

Ring Tail

I don't like to post dead stuff, but when I passed 3 raccoons and a possum in 5 miles...a voice came out of the Kodak sky. "Take it! Take it!" I obeyed and took 7-8 shots. Plus...it is raining, and I might not go out again. I have a project in my workshop/basement that is going to keep me down there for hours.

Every time I see a dead animal...I get a little tinge of sadness...even if I don't really like the beast. It makes me wonder about when God passed out brains...why did humans get the brain that warns us..."Don't cross the street! It's dangerous!" Don't you think a deer or a raccoon would see an object coming at them that is 10 or 20 times their size, and maybe, just maybe...not walk across the road? Hard to understand.

Adding to the problem around here is that the county road commision will no longer pick up the dead animal. They claim they don't have the funds or the man/woman/power to do it. So...in addition to feeling the tinge of sadness...we get to watch as the animal rots and decays. YUMMY! It brings out the crows and the other meat-eaters. YECH!

In addition to recognizing what a vehicle is...I wish at least deer could notice that when someone is coming at them all dressed in orange, wearing a goofy hat, and carrying a big stick that makes a loud noise...RUN AND HIDE!!!

Sorry about the raccoon. Seeing one (dead or alive) always reminds me of Davy Crockett and his coonskin hat. Such a pretty tail.

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