Be careful what you blip for.
As I sat waiting for the plane to leave Barcelona today for the journey back to Scotland, I saw this lonely bag. Various officials wandered up to it, looked at the tags, scratched their heads and walked away. 'So this is how bags get lost.' I thought. 'This'll make a fun blip.'
Turns out that wasn't the only bag that didn't make the flight. My bag with all my camera and computer leads in it is also somewhere on the tarmac in Barcelona. Serves me right for thinking I could take a chance and not have 18kilos of hand luggage for a change (computer, clarinet, camera - it all adds up).
The ground staff at Edinburgh seemed very doubtful that we would ever see the bag again. They sounded suprised that we thought we might like it back. I wouldn't mind, but BA lost two of our bags on our last journey. By this point in the day I'm beginning to feel a bit got at.
To add to my joyful afternoon, we got home to discover we'd been flooded at the weekend - so a month's worth of post is now soaked in sewage, along with our front yard, hall and all my shoes. And it's come up through the toilets, shower, kitchen sink...
And the telly's up the spout.
Welcome home.
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