Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Received a letter in the post this morning from The Theatre Royal in Newcastle telling me that a show I had booked a ticket for has been cancelled.

I was due to go on 7th June ( my birthday ) to see The Bobby Thompson Story. However, according to the theatre, when I phoned them, the actor who was to play the lead got the offer of several months steady work which he obviously decided to take instead of a couple of days work in Newcastle in June. Can't really blame him. He has given a 100% assurance that he will be available in Spring 2013 and they are going to put the show on then. So I got a refund of my ticket and chalked up another disappointment.

Bobby Thompson was a North east comedian who was known as " The Little Waster ". He was popular in the Working Men's Clubs of the area in the 1960's and 70's. I saw him once at the Club in my village. The place was packed and Bobby put on a great show. He died in 1988 -so next year is the 25th anniversary of his death.

My poor Bobby hasn't been good today. Not his usual self at all. He has slept all day and not eaten a thing. I keep checking on him to see if he is breathing - and I would really not be too surprised if he wasn't. Hopefully he will perk up soon and have a bite to eat maybe. He's a worry.

Weather here is absolutely freezing. Gonna be a cold night.

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