A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Don´t mess with me

On Saturday, the gym that mum goes to did a ´Spin-a-thon´.

For those that don´t know, Spinning is a form of torture by exercise bike.

Anyway, the mad ladies and gents from the gym took over the local "Country club" for the day and spent 4 hours in the blazing sunshine cycling non stop and doing the exercises whilst lots of stereotypical English holiday makers (overweight, sunburned, drinking pints of lager or cider and black by the pool, with either too many, or far to few clothes on!)

Of course, I offered to do the photos!

To be honest, I am struggling as to whether I posted this one, or what I consider to be one of the best photos I´ve ever taken of someone, but this had the humour value that I thought would be appreciated here by my honourable blip-colleagues.

This lady, of indeterminate age was part of a demonstration of another process of torture called Body Pump. I was transfixed by this lady´s hair.

When I get home, I will upload the others to Picas, but I´m not sure I can do it from this lovely internet cafe that I am sat in!

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