A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

The 5 o´clock club investigate

Let me introduce you to members of what we call the 5 o´clock club. One of the key members is absent from this pic.

The five o clockers are a group of residents from mum´s estate who spend about an hour in the pool of a morning, but more significantly you could (last year) set your watch by them as they always arrived at the pool for 5pm and stayed in for about an hour. As soon as the kids saw them, they vacated the ´big´pool at the bottom by mums house and all trundle off to the middle pool. The kids are so well trained that they only have to hear the voice of one particular member of the club and they leggit!

We should change their name this year as they have now changed to around 4.30 arrival but, the "Four thirty club" doesn´t have the same ring about it.

To be honest, they can be quite annoying, and particularly rude about the kids, and other people sometimes - intolerant, and loving the sound of their own voices. Not being harsh - just how a number of people feel. But they provide entertainment in a sense, with a great deal of "if I ever get like that - shoot me" types of conversations going on between those of us who are not members of the Costa Blanca Social Elite. I´m trying not to be too rude in case any of them ever read this! But I only ever go in the pool when they aren´t there.

Anyway, I was stood on the roof terrace of mums place taking photos of a sunset the other evening and I captured this. When I cropped it and realised that they appear to be intensely scrutinising a pen, I just laughed out loud - not much else to talk about?????

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