
By AprilJane

Dad's Cheque

My dad give me this cheque on my birthday, 29 years ago when I was 15.

Like the note the other day, it's been waiting for a different frame for the last ten years. In my framing frenzy recently I put it in this pink one I got from the Fara shop.

When Betsy saw it, she said, 'why is there a cheque for me in a frame?' Not only did she not notice the date was 1983, but she didn't stop to consider that anyone else in the world might be referred to as, 'my pretty daughter'. And why should she? I never did until she came along!

Today I had a very short run, then went to Kingston with my mum. Coffee, shopping and lunch at Wagamama. Very nice! I haven't bought my own lunch once this week!

I am opening cards and presents tomorrow after a birthday tea out somewhere. A double celebration - it will be the end of term too.

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