Off Centre

By RachelCarter

It's just Thursday... that's all

Today I'm supposed to have a hang over after helping Richard celebrate his 50th birthday but I ended up not drinking much and instead I have a bad tum.

After a very long night of stomach cramps and running to the loo I'm tired and empty, and it's been a completely nothingness day.

Luckily things that were already put in place popped up and made me happy today - such as my name appearing on the writers' page of this:
National Flash Fiction Day - Rachel Carter

And someone giving me 5 stars and these words in a review for a short fable I wrote called Common Ground:
"Phenomenal. I want everyone on the planet to read this."

I want everyone on the planet to read it too because it's about accepting difference and looking for common ground.

It's great when people get it.

Tess is about to lose another front tooth. Let's hope the tooth fairy remembers to turn up this time!

(I was also going to tell you about my mother's behaviour last night - how she drank too much and told everyone how wonderful and beautiful they were over and over and over and over again ... but she's embarrassed so I won't )

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