Never-ending poorly

Although Tess still has a temperature and aches and pains, and can't eat much or do much, today was a far less stressful day.
No getting up ridiculously early (although my body woke me up at 5am just in case I did want to get up), no school runs, no phone calls, Joel was here to help with the dog, Richard's sister and brother-in-law took the dog out later in the day, I managed to have a proper shower and not just a dunk, I read some online news articles, and slumped on the sofa with Tess for a while. I was still a bit of a nursey/waitressy-type thing but not quite so frantic.

Richard is eversoslightly better again today and ventured out into the garden to feed the birds. He put the rugby on this afternoon and I actually dozed off for half an hour which was bliss.

I've just managed to catch up with the last 4 days' blips and am feeling a bit more balanced

Now we just need Tess to get better, my throat to get better and Richard to make a full recovery, please, thank you.

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