
By LeeAnne


29 Day February Challenge

Well this was a tough one for me... I'm not very good at people shots and I don't get a lot of joy out of taking them. Although I did take a really nice one on Sunday at the Blip film of one of the band members... I've put it in my blipfolio if you want to see it. I wandered round at lunchtime looking for some poor unsuspecting victim to take a photo of but no-one really jumped out at me. If I'd wandered a little bit further along Rose Street I'm pretty sure I've have caught MrSmith hanging out with the pigeons!

I'd already asked some people in the office and every one of them said no!! I can't decide if it's a Scots thing, or even an Edinburgh thing because I imagine being in Glasgow and asking someone if I could take their photo then people would probably be happy to let me. However, the more I thought about it, the more I think it's me with the mental block. When I'm away in other places, I do all sorts of stuff on my own that I just wouldn't do here. I like to be anonymous and I can do that in other cities. I wouldn't think twice about someone thinking I'm a total weirdo by asking to take their photo. I go to bars on my own, I eat out on my own... neither of which I would do here. I have no idea why. Yes... I'm shaking my head at myself!

Anyway... I knew that Jo would oblige for me, I like taking her photo. She's always smiling and always looks happy. She is happy and that makes me happy. I've worked with Jo for the last 10 years and she's brilliant. We are ladies(?!) who lunch!

I learnt something new today too. I have a habit of putting three little dots in my blurb... and that actually has a name! It's called ellipsis! So there you go... maybe I've taught you something too!

Just been out for a curry and now I've pretty much done everything I need to do, I've packed, ironed, made lunch, tidied the flat, cleaned out Diggers, shopped for veggies and booked a taxi for the morning! Now I just need to go to bed and then manage to get up in time! If anyone happens to be up at 6.30am... phone me would you please?! *grins*

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