Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


I watched a fascinating BBC 4 documentary on the 1950s hey-day of coach travel the other night, a real eye opener. Imagine Victoria coach station in London overcrowded with thousands of excitable people, all in their best clothes and hats and hundreds of coaches to-ing and fro-ing. On the coaches, it was quite normal to have a sing song. Sometimes you would travel all day but it didn't dampen people's enthusiasm.They loved coach travel.
Factories in the industrial towns would often close for a fortnight in the summer, and the streets would be empty. Everyone would have gone off on a coach holiday. They loved it because they could save up during the year for their ticket, get collected virtually from the doorstep and travel with their friends and family.

To busy & much to cold to go out today so here's my take on visually portraying fifties coach travel.

If anyone wants to see the original photo or to ask how I got the effect please visit
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