Moments in a minor key

By Dcred

Ah, Mr Bond, we've been expecting you:

I think the chair has something to do with it but the photo reminds me of a Bond movie set, the villain is just off camera, possibly stroking a cat, as all the best villains do, and is welcoming our hero into his trap!

M sends James Bond on a secret mission to heaven. When M doesn't hear from Bond for over a day, he gets worried and calls up heaven. The Virgin Mary picks up the phone and says "Virgin Mary speaking. "M asks her if Bond has reached there yet. She replies that he hasn't.M waits another few hours and calls heaven back again. "Virgin Mary speaking," comes the response. "Is James there yet?" asks M. Again the answer is no. M is really worried by this time but he waits for a few more hours and then calls heaven back again. "Hello, Mary speaking !"

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